Friday, November 30, 2012

The North Face 50k in Atlanta GA

After running the marathon in Kansas I felt great.  Usually I hurt for a couple days after and don’t seem to run well for a couple of months but for some reason I felt good.  I felt so good that I was easily able to run another 8 miles the next day with no soreness at all.  The challenge of running a marathon had gotten almost “easy”.  Since I had already qualified and ran Boston it no longer was an obsession about how fast I could run but instead it became about how far.

Base Camp for the race

During my running and travelling, I came across an author named Dean Karnazes.  His books were extremely inspirational and inspiring.  He is known for countless running feats such as running a marathon in all 50 states in 50 consecutive days.  He also once ran 48 hours straight on a treadmill in Times Square, ran from Los Angeles to New York and has done more ultra-marathons around the world than anyone I could imagine.  Dean has done more in his running career than I can begin to fathom, he is a superhero.  I want to be like Dean Karnazes.  After reading all three of his books, I decided to jump into the ultra-marathon game and decided to sign up for a 54mile race in Nebo North Carolina in December.  I started training and then realized that this distance is a huge step up from a marathon and would require a tougher approach to my training regimen.  To stay motivated I signed up to run a 50k trail race outside of Atlanta as a training run and to knock another state off the list.  I had no idea that this new distance would be filled with lots of treats. 


I first saw an advertisement for this race in Runner’s WorldMagazine and was sponsored by The North Face.  Usually when a big name company sponsors a race there is always lots of good perks so I could not turn this down.  To make the deal even sweeter, The North Face is Dean Karnazes’ official sponsor and they pay him to go and do all of his wild races and so he was on the list to be there after the race for a meet and greet at the finish line festival.  I have met plenty of famous people before like Hulk Hogan and Leila Ali and have been on TV shows like American Gladiators, One Man Army and Homicide Hunters but meeting Dean would mean more to me than all of those combined.  I could not wait to cross the finish line and go to meet the man responsible for motivating countless people to push the limits of what the human body is capable of, and so I headed off on the morning of the race with extra incentive to run well.


Early in the morning I lined up in the start corral, prepared to push my body longer than it had ever been challenged before, I listened to the race director’s instructions when he announced that Dean Karnazes would be running the 50k with us as he handed the microphone off to THE MAN for some last words of encouragement.  The whole game changed for me right then and there because I knew I would be sharing the race course with a legend.  After Dean handed the microphone back to the race director, he filed in with the rest of the pack and then the gun went off and my long day of glorious pain and suffering started.


The race began in complete darkness through a densely wooded single track trail with only a few people that had headlamps, excluding me.  It was a slow start since everyone packed in tight with the folks that had lights and we would all call out to one another whenever there was either a low limb or large step or obstruction on the course, this continued for the first 3 miles until the morning sunlight illuminated the forest enough for the pack to expand.  Once the trail became somewhat visible a group of runners darted past to get in the front position, when this occurred I was pushed to the ground and in the process lodged my right foot under a rock which immediately sent a sharp pain through my toe.  Later I would realize that it had ripped my big toenail apart from the quick.  From this point on I spent the next 28 miles limping up and down the extremely rocky and rollercoaster trail of hills as I could feel the warm blood being absorbed by my socks.  It sounds pretty gross but in the Ultra marathon world, this is considered a badge of honor although it is not one that I would like to experience very often.  At about the halfway point, I had another fall over some of the rough terrain, this time my middle toe on the opposite foot was the victim along with a bloody knee to show for it.  This proved to slow my progress even more than it already had been. 


I hate it when people ask me about my times on trail races because most people compare it to their accomplishments on road distances.  Running on trails versus roads are two completely different animals.  Even though some road races may have a few hills, the pavement is still smooth and allows for the runner to get into a regular groove with their stride and perform with more efficiency.  Running on a trail is seldom ever smooth, even on flat surfaces you constantly have to adjust your stride to negotiate a path over rocks, roots, tree stumps and the occasional creek crossing.  The terrain is notorious for constant tripping hazards; it is not a matter of “if” you will fall down but “when”.  Dean Karnazes also became a victim to a nice spill during the race.  The medic tent at the finish line venue was filled with lots of people with gaping wounds from head to toe; this is a unique camaraderie that trail runners get to share.


Running this 50k was not so much about going all out to try and race everyone, I never done a race at this distance before and especially not on a trial either.  I did not have a clue as to even what my goal race pace should be, running on feeling and impulse was the main tactic I employed.  I will admit that I did start taking walk breaks during the later parts of the course on some of the large uphill sections.  During the last 5 mile stretch as I started to crest another long hill, I heard a woman toward the bottom of it whom I passed earlier yell out “hello Dean”.  I immediately knew that the legend was back behind and gaining ground fast on me.  This added a new amount of pep in my running so I began to pick up the pace.  I did not care if I beat the legend at his own game, I just wanted to finish somewhere in the same timeframe as him.  I managed to keep him at bay until the very last aid station with 2 miles to go in the race.  We both stopped to get some Gatorade and started running in line together down the single track trail to the finish.  I started talking first and joked about him being the person I blame for the serious pain that I was in.  I told him that I had read his books and felt inspired to try and get into ultra running and run a marathon or greater in each state.  We then got into chatter about different races that we had done and he recommended a few for me to try.  I told him about the upcoming 54 mile race in December and my running partner in that race, Brad Farmer, who was also a big fan of his and was racing that one as his first race ever.  I must say that, although I was in a lot of pain, I forgot about it during that 2 mile span and really enjoyed running with Dean.  Coming up to the last stretch of the race I broke away from me on the last hill and beat me to the finish line by about 100 yards.  I thought it was funny because he came out of the woods first where my wife and daughter were patiently waiting and when she saw me she began screaming “Jeff, look it’s Dean, it’s Dean”  I smiled and said “I know, we have been talking for a while”.  I crossed the finish with Dean waiting at the line to give me a high five and a hug, it was awesome.  I went immediately over to my wife and daughter and he followed and began chatting with all three of us.  We talked about our kids and took a couple pictures together before heading to the medical tent and ice baths.  I can honestly say that was a cool experience and has made me enjoy running even more.  I hope that by looking back on that day, it will give some added motivation to push through many more races in the future.

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